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Chiesa della Madonna di Vereto (en)
Route: Fede
Chiesa della Madonna di Vereto (en)

The church, dedicated to Madonna Assunta, has a rectangular plan with a single hall, a simple facade and a small bell tower. The interior was decorated with frescoes, today highly deteriorated, including an interesting fresco depicting St. Paul with the sword on which a snake is wrapped around while at the foot of the saint is a scorpion surmounted by two intertwined snakes in the form of caduceus. This particular iconography of the Saint associates it with the typical phenomenon of Salento tarantism: referring to an episode in which, according to tradition, St. Paul, while in Malta, was bitten by a snake, but the poison did not cause him any damage, for this he obtained the title of protector against bites of poisonous animals and, consequently, the patron saint of tarantate.   The church is a pilgrimage site during the celebrations in August.  
Strada Vicinale Serre I, Patù

current use:
The church is deconsecrated and is only open for visits du booking

Vincolo Paesaggistico

bibliography sources:
V. Rosafio, Vereto città messapica nel Basso Salento, Lecce 1968 F. D'Andria, L'esplorazione archeologica, in AA.VV., Leuca, Galatina 1978, pp. 47-90 C. Daquino, I Messapi e Vereto, Lecce 1991. C. Pagliara, Fonti per la storia dt Veretum: iscrizioni, monete, timbri anforari, in Annali dell'Università di Lecce, V, 1969-1971, pp. 121-136;  C. Pagliara, Fonti epigrafiche per la storia di Veretum e della Centopietre di Patù, in AnnPisa, VI, 2, 1976, pp. 441-451 M. Lombardo, I Messapi e la Messapia nelle fonti letterarie greche e latine, Galatina 1992. M. Sammarco, Vereto: appunti di topografia, in M. Ciardo, S. Torsello (a cura di), Studi in onore di Antonio Michele Ferraro, pp. 53-65, Tricase (Le), 2008.

historical information:
The Chapel of Our Lady of Vereto is located at the highest point of the hill, probably the site of the Messapian, Roman and medieval acropolis of Vereto. The church was built on a bigger structure of the early medieval age, and later reworked, in the early seventeenth century by Prince Zunica, lord of Alessano. The church also had a cemetery function: in fact, two tombs dating from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century had been found near the apse of the oldest church.
managing body:
Comune di Patù
contact person:
Comune di Patù
cellphone number:
fax number:
opening hours:
On reservation
Accessibile su richiesta
entrance fees:
current use:
The church is deconsecrated and is only open for visits du booking
By contacting the City of Patù or Fire, you can visit the church.
Vincolo Paesaggistico
period of construction:
XVII century
local name:
Chiesa della Madonna di Vereto
origin of place-name:
The name, Our Lady of Vereto, came from the place where the church was built, corresponding to the area of ​​the acropolis of the archaeological site of Vereto.  
historical information:
The Chapel of Our Lady of Vereto is located at the highest point of the hill, probably the site of the Messapian, Roman and medieval acropolis of Vereto. The church was built on a bigger structure of the early medieval age, and later reworked, in the early seventeenth century by Prince Zunica, lord of Alessano. The church also had a cemetery function: in fact, two tombs dating from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century had been found near the apse of the oldest church.
other related objects:
bibliography sources:
V. Rosafio, Vereto città messapica nel Basso Salento, Lecce 1968 F. D'Andria, L'esplorazione archeologica, in AA.VV., Leuca, Galatina 1978, pp. 47-90 C. Daquino, I Messapi e Vereto, Lecce 1991. C. Pagliara, Fonti per la storia dt Veretum: iscrizioni, monete, timbri anforari, in Annali dell'Università di Lecce, V, 1969-1971, pp. 121-136;  C. Pagliara, Fonti epigrafiche per la storia di Veretum e della Centopietre di Patù, in AnnPisa, VI, 2, 1976, pp. 441-451 M. Lombardo, I Messapi e la Messapia nelle fonti letterarie greche e latine, Galatina 1992. M. Sammarco, Vereto: appunti di topografia, in M. Ciardo, S. Torsello (a cura di), Studi in onore di Antonio Michele Ferraro, pp. 53-65, Tricase (Le), 2008.
telephone number:
num gps:
Related Point of interest
Distance from:
Chiesa della Madonna di Vereto
458 m
Informazioni Turistiche Patù (en)
Via Giuseppe Romano, 65, Patù, Patù
481 m
Masseria La Verna (en)
E. Fermi_Contrada La Verna -, Patù
510 m
Centopietre (en)
Piazza Marco Pedone, Patù
536 m
La Verna (en)
Castrignano del Capo
537 m
Le Corti Di Begio (en)
Via Diaz, Patù
597 m
Ciullo Cosimo (en)
Via Berlinguer, Patù