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Chiesa della Trasfigurazione (en)
Route: Paduli
Chiesa della Trasfigurazione (en)

The façade is framed between two bell towers and extends into two articulate arrays of pilasters. Placed on the architrave of the front door is the coat of arms of Taurisano: a bull in the hills. The interior, with a Latin cross outline and a single nave, has a ribbed vault entirely frescoed with festoons and arabesques. The nave and transept are embellished by altars dedicated to Saint Lucia, St. Anthony of Padua, to the Souls in Purgatory, St. Vito, the Mercy, the Holy Family, St. Stephen the protomartyr and to Our Lady of the Rosary. These were built between 1838 and 1840, except for the altars of St. Anthony of Padua, erected in 1815, and of Our Lady of the Rosary in 1885. Almost all of the frescoes came from the ancient parish and date back to the seventeenth century and the nineteenth century. Corresponding to the transept stands a circular dome, externally covered with glazed polychrome tiles. The main altar is made up of Leccese stone, while the chancel is dominated by the choir on which a pipe organ built in 1930 is set, as indicated on the inscription. At the left of the main altar is the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, on which apse wall depicts Christ between two crowds of procumbent Serafini, preceded by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Dominic de Guzmán. Serving as statuary heritage and are of great importance includes a wooden statue of Our Lady of the Rosary, of the 17th century, a wooden statue of the Madonna della Strada (1868), of the Scuola Veneziana, and those of St. Vito, St. Lucia , St. Louis, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Anthony of Padua and the Holy Family.
Corso Umberto I, 119, Taurisano

current use:
The church regularly carries out religious ceremonies.

bibliography sources:
R. Orlando, Taurisano. Guida alla storia, all’arte, al folklore, Galatina 1996. Chiesa della Trasfigurazione

historical information:
The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ was built between 1803 and 1820, designed by Carlo Lopez y Royo to replace a smaller, sixteenth century church/ Originally, the site of the actual church was occupied by an edifice of the second half of the thirteenth century, dedicated to San Salvatore, which constituted the Palatine Chapel of the Castle.
managing body:
Comune di Taurisano
contact person:
Comune di Taurisano
opening hours:
current use:
The church regularly carries out religious ceremonies.
period of construction:
1803 - 1820
historical information:
The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ was built between 1803 and 1820, designed by Carlo Lopez y Royo to replace a smaller, sixteenth century church/ Originally, the site of the actual church was occupied by an edifice of the second half of the thirteenth century, dedicated to San Salvatore, which constituted the Palatine Chapel of the Castle.
bibliography sources:
telephone number:
num gps:
Related Point of interest
Distance from:
Chiesa della Trasfigurazione
2 m
Ipogeo La Scalea (Palazzo Colonna) (en)
Corso Umberto I, 198, Taurisano
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Palazzo Ducale Lopez y Royo (en)
Piazza Castello, Taurisano
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Casa Vanini (en)
Roma 44, Taurisano
44 m
165 m
Chiesa di Santa Maria della Strada (en)
Corso Umberto I, 17, Taurisano
657 m