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Patronal festivity

Between the 29th and 30th of November in Presicce, the Feast and Fair of Saint Andrew is held. The festivities in honor of the patron saint are anticipated by the traditional 'tambureddhu', a novena during which, at night, from 3pm to 6pm, a group of musicians with tambourines, trumpets, guitars and accordions traverse all the streets of the town to announce the start of the event. Moreover, on the eve of the festival, with the wood harvested in the fields, the 'focaredda' is lit up; the purifying fire, in which objects, foodstuffs, animals were thrown, in order to propitiate a mild winter and plenty of crops. The real party begins on the 29th with a Holy Mass and a procession during which the statue of the saint, depicted from the waist up with two mullets in hand, is carried across the ...

On the day of the Assumption of the Virgin, there are many religious celebrations in Santa Maria di Leuca. After the great mass that takes place in the Basilica, the statue of the Madonna de Finibus Terrae, protector of the people of these places, is carried through the streets of the towns to reach, in the afternoon, the port. The statue is raised on a fishing boat drawn by lot and decorated for the occasion with lights and flowers for the traditional procession to the sea. The boat carrying the statue serves as leader and a long trail of boats with tourists and devotees follows it to give birth to a very impressive spectacle. Even the band follows the procession by sea until the port San Gregorio coast. In the late afternoon the boats return to Santa Maria di Leuca where the last mass of ...

Corsano usually celebrates San Biagio on the 3rd of February, but also in the summer, in the week between July and August, when the celebrations in honor of the patron saint are attended by the locals of Corsano and by many tourists. In fact, the affection that the patron saint receives in Corsano is great, but also in the surrounding towns where many pilgrims come to worship and invoke the intervention of the saint regarding the diseases of the throat. The solemn celebrations for San Biagio begin on the eve of February 2 with a crowded procession in the streets of the town, followed by the Holy Mass in the church and the lighting of the traditional 'focaredda'. On the day of the feast, the celebrations have a point of maximum participation during the customary panegyric, during which the ...

The patron saint of the Diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca is St Vincent of Saragossa, whose feast is celebrated on the 21st and 22nd of January. The celebrations in honor of the Saint begin with the arrival of a young local, riding a horse, who represents San Vincenzo. At 18:30 on the 21st of January, the rider leaves from the Seminary and reaches the Cathedral where a crowd of faithful awaits him. The date of January 22, commemorates the martyrdom of the Saint in 304, when his body floated to the riverside, although it was tied to a large boulder and thrown into the river; this narrate the Sacred Readings that precede the procession which go across the streets of the historic center during the day of January 22, preceded by a statue of the saint, a half-length Leccese papier ...

The solemn celebrations in honor of San Nicola di Myra, the patron saint of Specchia, are traditionally held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of May. The religious program on May 9 includes the transfer of the statue of St. Nicholas from the Chiesa Madre to the Cappella di S. Nicola, wherein, at around 18.30, the solemn Eucharistic celebration with the symbolic consign of the city’s keys by the Mayor to the patron saint. Beginning at the same sacred place, the procession goes through the main streets of the town culminating in Piazza del Popolo, where the panegyric and final blessing are held. On the morning of May 10, in the Chiesa Madre the Holy Mass in honor of the patron saint is celebrated, while in Piazza del Popolo and the main streets of Specchia, the ' Fiera di San Nicola’ begins, an ...

The earnest celebrations in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, organized by the Parrocchia della Natività di Beata Maria Vergine and by the Comitato Festa Patronale, provide a full program of events which, like every year, ends on the date that the calendar indicates as the feast day of the Saint himself. The Intense religious program starts on June 1 with the Tredicina in honor of the patron saint during which the holy masses in the Chiesa Madre, from 7.30 to 19.00, are celebrated; in the afternoon of 13 June, there is the solemn procession that traverses slowly through the town. The saint’s sacred image, followed by a procession of the faithful, stops in front of the City Hall for the consigning of keys and the consecration of the city of Ruffano to the Patron, and finally returning ...

The patronal feast of Patù dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel begins with a procession through the town streets among colored lights, band concerts and spectacles. The festival ends with an impressive display of fireworks in honor of the saint. ...

The feast in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, patron of Nociglia takes place on 19th to 21st of August. The feast opens with a procession and a holy mass. The programme includes bands concerts and musicals and the spectacle of fireworks. ...

On the eve of the festivities in honor of St. John the Almoner, patron saint of Morciano di Leuca, a solemn procession with the statue of the saint and a precious reliquary traverse through the town streets. The return from the procession is followed by the holy mass celebration presided by the Bishop of the Diocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca; followed by, in the next day, the celebration of other masses in honor of the saint. The civil program of festivities is expected to run band concerts and to conclude the feast is the fireworks show. ...

Santa Marina, patroness of Miggiano along with St. Vincent de Sargozza, is particularly revered in the city and the celebrations in her honor are anticipated by those for Our Lady of Mount Carmel, celebrated on the day before, on July 16.   The religious celebrations begin in the afternoon of the 16th, at 19:30, with the mass in the square and consigning of the city’s keys to the patrons. After the ceremony the three statues are carried in procession through the towns decorated with lights, accompanied by the music of the band. On the 17th, after the mass in the Chiesa Matrice, the statue of Santa Marina is returned in her chapel; the next day, after the mass of the 19:30 in the yard of the chapel, the statue of the Saint is returned into Chiesa Madre. The civilian program in the ...

In the recurrence of the anniversary of St. Vincent’s martyrdom on 22 January 304, the town of Miggiano celebrates its patron. The civil and religious celebrations, organized by the Parish and Comitato Feste, with the support of the Municipality of Miggiano, start with a holy mass and a solemn procession through the streets of the town festively decorated with lights. In Piazza Municipio, lit at the passage of the saint’s statue is the traditional focaredda, around which is the 'Sagra della Paparina’, a wild plant typical of Salento also called as papaverine.   ...

The solemn celebrations in honor of St. Rocco, patron of Gagliano del Capo, delayed for a few days in respect to the liturgical calendar, are organized by Parrocchia San Rocco and by the Associazione Memoria e Tradizioni. The feast begins when the statue of the patron saint, around 7pm, leaves the church to be carried in procession along the streets of the town decorated with lights; its return is followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass. To conclude the festivities is the fireworks show. ...

On the last Sunday of July is the religious feast in honor of St. Tryphon. During this celebration the statue of the saint, depicted at a young age, with the two geese at his feet, is carried in procession through the streets of the town, between lights and fireworks. In the Chiesa Madre, dedicated to St Tryphon were an altar, a statue, a bust and a painting of the 'Glory of St. Tryphon' where the saint in the center is lifted by angels and on his head is another angel laying a wreath; in the uppermost part is the Blessed Christ. Another painting depicts the Virgin Mary of Leuca with the Blessed Child and below are Saints Joseph and Tryphon. ...

It is a feast of the town in which the Saints Medici, Cosmas and Damian, as well as St. Michael the Archangel are honored. On the 26th and 28th, the processions in honor of the saints go across the streets of the town among the traditional illuminations and stalls; on other days of the feast band concerts are expected. The festival ends with an impressive display of fireworks.   ...

The festivities in honor of San Carlo Borromeo begin on Saturday afternoon with a solemn procession through the streets of the historic center decorated with lights, accompanied by the notes of the whole Città di Gagliano del Capo band. During the evening, there will be concerts of folk music and stands where it is possible to taste traditional farmer dishes and typical cuisine of the town. At dawn on Sunday, the fair opens a typical market where cattle are sold, as well as farm tools and various objects.   ...

The solemn celebrations in honor of San Donato in Montesano Salentino commemorate past devotion and superstition, tradition and popular beliefs. In the days of the festival the loaded religious program involves the celebration of many masses and solemn processions. During the procession that takes place on the morning of August 6, the statue of the Saint leaves the Chiesa Madre carried on the shoulders of a group of believers to be taken to the nearby Sanctuary at the entrance of the town. Placed At the feet of the statue is a long rod, like a long pastoral staff, adorned with two red drapes. Pinned on these drapes, all throughout the procession are collected donations from devotees. A person, walking literally under the statue of the saint, takes note of these donations on a ...

Solemn celebrations in honor of San Rocco are held in Torrepaduli, small hamlet of Ruffano. In the rich program of the religious and civil manifestations, the most awaited moment is the Night of San Rocco. On the evening of August 15, thousands of people flock in the square of the sanctuary to participate as spectators or dancers on the ‘danza delle spade' o 'pizzica a scherma’: to the sound of tambourines, two men mimic a duel of fencing with their hands, the pace of drums are played by the musicians in a circle, in so-called rounds. According to a legend, the 'sword dance' is performed on the feast of St. Rocco because the Saint, of French origin, who lived in the fourteenth century and healer from the bubonic plague, originally a noble and valiant knight, would teach the art of ...

The solemn civil and religious celebrations in honor of San Vito the Martyr, patron saint of Tricase, are held on the 9th, 10th and 11th of August. The traditional procession through the streets of the historic center, colored by the lights of the illuminations, is attended by a crowd of faithful; followed by, in Piazza Pisanelli, the fireworks display that illuminates the Palazzo Gallone and by the symbolic consigning of the city keys to the statue of the saint, which is returned into the church after the procession. ...

Tiggiano usually celebrates its patron St Ippazio on the 19th of January. Religious ceremonies are preceded in the eve of the festival by another eagerly awaited event, that is the Sagra della Pestanaca organized by the Pro Loco in Piazza Aldo Moro; the vegetable for its particular shape symbolizes the virility of men and for this the festival is combined with the celebrations in honor of St Ippazio, who is the patron saint of virility. On the morning of the 19th, the traditional 'Fera de Santu Pati' is organized, an agricultural fair with exhibition and sale of equipment, agricultural machinery and livestock. However, the religious celebrations of the festival include the Holy Mass in the morning and early afternoon, from 15:30, the procession that starts from the mother church and goes ...

The festivities in honor of St. Stephen, in Taurisano, are double during the year: in the canonical date of December 26 and on August 2 and 4. During the summer, the celebrations begin in the afternoon with the holy mass and solemn procession that leads the statue of the patron saint through the town's main streets, all decorated with lights. Back at the church, a spectacular torchlight welcomes the return of procession. On the other days of celebration, masses and band concerts are held. The celebrations end with the fireworks show. ...

The solemn celebrations in honor of patron saint San Nicola Magno take place in Salve between the 31st of July and 1st of August. In the three days prior to the event, there is a solemn triduum in preparation for the feast of the patron saint in the Chiesa Madre. In the late afternoon of the day before, the procession accompanied by the notes of a band, reaches the squares and main streets of the town, all decorated with lights; followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by the Bishop. The religious and civilian programs are packed on the day of the feast that ends with spectacular fireworks display. ...