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The ' Sagra della ficandò' is an event dedicated to the typical dish of the town, made up of green peppers fried in olive oil and seasoned with tomato, onion, salt and basil. The term, used only in Alessano, refers to the way the peppers are prepared. In the stands set up in the historic center, it is possible to taste other typical dishes of Salentine cuisine. ...

The 'Sagra de lu Noce', organized by the Pro Loco Farnese of Nociglia, is the event dedicated to the symbol of the town: the walnut plant, hence the name of the town. During the event, held in the splendid portico of the Castello Baronale, in Piazza Ruggeri, it is possible to taste different walnut-based dishes: from bread to pasta, the roast with nut cream, cheese with walnuts, sweets and walnut ice cream.  ...

Celebrated in the picturesque scenery of the Cascata Monumentale of Santa Maria di Leuca, enriched by the new artistic lighting made by the Acquedotto Pugliese, is the festival dedicated to the flavors of the sea. During the evening, it is possible to taste a variety of typical sea food dish such as pasta alla pescatora, pasta with tomato sauce and shrimp, fried fish or calamari, polpo alla pignata, seafood salad and pittule alla marinara. The event includes the spectacular opening of the waterfall. ...

The Sagra delle Sagre corresponds to the final event of Sagre del Capo di Leuca. The event this year is held in Giuliano, in the municipality of Castrignano del Capo, with the participation of sixteen towns, each with its own specialty that distinguishes its own feast.  Among the dishes are the peperoni alla ficandò of Alessano, la sciuscella of Patù, la ciceri e tria of Ugento, slow cooked legumes in traditional 4 pignate of Tiggiano, i diavulicchi of Morciano, and many other Salentine dishes that can be tasted in one evening, accompanied by folk music. ...

The ‘Sagra de li piatti nosci’, organized by the Associazione Culturale 2000, is an event held in the heart of Castrignano del Capo. The name of the event ensures the typical recipes made with food produced by companies in the area. It is possible taste the traditional dishes: homemade orecchiette and minchiareddhi and served with tomato, ricotta cheese ‘scante’ or turnip greens; traditional pittule or with tomato, roasted meats like gnummareddhi (rolls), the potato pitta, lemaranciane to stanatu (parmigiana), legumes cooked in piñata (traditional earthenware pot), the cicureddhe (organic farm vegetables ) and for fish, lu purpu alla piñata. The event is accompanied by the notes of pizzica. ...

Held in the historic center of Ugento is the ‘Sagra te li Ciceri e Tria’, an event dedicated to one of the most typical dishes of Salento cuisine: it deals with homemade tagliatelle pasta with chick peas and strips of fried dough called 'frizzuli '. The housewives, on the night before the feast, soak the chickpeas which in the morning are drained, washed, and cooked in 'pignate', the traditional terracotta containers. After nearly four hours of cooking the beans are ready to be mixed with the pasta and 'frizzuli'. In a stand, the housewives demonstrate how to knead and work the tria. The evening is livened up by Salentine music. ...

On the occasion of the Festa di Sant'Ippazio, the municipality of Tiggiano revives the traditional event with the 'Festival of Pestanaca', a local variety of the more common carrot, from which it is distinguished by the color, yellowish violet, and especially for the sweet aromatic taste that is more refined and more decisive. The species is cultivated in the farms of Tiggiano, linked to the figure of St Ippazio, enough to be called “Pestanaca de Santu Pati”, and is placed by the people for its form as a male genital apparatus of which the saint is the patron. During the event, which takes place in Piazza Aldo Moro, a tasting of several typical sweet and savory dishes, all Pestanaca-based, is offered.   ...

In the historic center of Tiggiano, in Piazza Aldo Moro, the ‘Sagra de le Quattro Pignate’ is held, referring to the traditional terracotta containers. The whole Tiggiano community from the four districts of the country - hence the name of the festival - take part in the event by preparing the different specialties of the festival to be enjoyed in the eighteen set up stands. ...

For nearly thirty years, the Pro Loco of Specchia organizes on the day of Christmas Eve, the ‘Sagra della Pittula'. Among the stands of the festival, in Piazza del Popolo, in addition to pittule, typical frittelle made from simple ingredients such as flour, water and yeast, other products of Salentine cuisine can be tasted such as pucce with olives and purceddhuzzi. The event also includes the lighting of the Focaredda, a symbolic bonfire of fagots and parts of the trunk of wood, built with the contribution of the people of Specchia, which according to popular tradition, serves to warm the newborn baby Jesus. ...

On August 12, the historic center of Specchia becomes the setting of the Notte Bianca. From 8pm until late, performances, concerts, workshops, theater performances, dance, contemporary art, exhibitions by street artists are expected among the squares and alleys of one of the 'most beautiful villages in Italy'. ...

Among the narrow streets, courtyards and squares of the old town of Salve, the Sagra della Pizzica e della Taranta is held, an event dedicated to the music and to the flavors of Salento. The event, organized by the Associazione 'Centro Storico', offers a tasting of traditional dishes, from homemade pasta to pittule, to 'pieces of horsemeat', from grilled meats to homemade sweets and spumoni. The stars of the evening are the music and dances of Salento. ...

Following the religious festivities of August 15-17 dedicated to St. Rocco that takes place in Torrepaduli, hamlet of Ruffano, is the Concertone della Notte di San Rocco. The event, now one of the most anticipated  summer experience in Salento, is staged on the square in front of Santuario di San Rocco di Torrepaduli where thousands of people gather to watch performances of music, tradition and folklore.   ...

The ' Sagra della Pittula’ held in Montesano Salentino on Christmas Eve is an opportunity to taste the traditional Salentine frittelle. ...

Held in concomitance with the festival in honor of Saint Vincent is the ’Sagra della Paparina' in Miggiano. The paparina, also called as papaverine, is the poppy plant cultivated from the months of November to February when it is still young and the poppies are still blooming. During the festival, the paparina is prepared by cooking it in a pan with extra virgin olive oil and garlic, in the so-called "paparina 'nfucata".   The event celebrates the tradition of eating wild plants in the prospect of recovering of the tradition. ...

The ‘Sagra te li Paniri’ takes place in Miggiano, a town that boasts an ancient tradition in the construction of baskets made up of olive shoots and reeds woven by skilled craftsmen. On the various stands set up for the feast, it is possible to admire numerous 'paniri' containing typical food products of Salento: vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meats, baked goods, olives and extra virgin olive oil from Salento, honey, legumes, wines from Puglia, and mushrooms . In specially set up areas, craftsmen illustrate the various phases of the basket-making to the visitors.   ...

The event takes place on the streets of the historic center of Morciano di Leuca and is organized by the Associazione ‘Li Diavulicchi’ involving other local associations and the whole community. Among the stands, aside from the ones dedicated to the chili, it is possible to taste the typical dishes of Salento.   ...

The name of the festival refers to a typical preparation of the local cuisine made with eggs, flour, cheese, bread crumbs, parsley, salt, pepper and mint; a simple and authentic recipe for Pittula that is cooked in broth. Among the stands of the festival, it is also possible to enjoy other local dishes accompanied by notes of popular Salentine music. The event, that takes place in the historic center of the town, is organized by the Pro Loco of Patù in collaboration with the local Avis, involving almost all households in the city. ...

The star of the evening is the fish. The festival lets the tourists and visitors to taste some typical dishes of the local cuisine, such as pasta with seafood, pittule with fish, fried fish of various kinds, as well as a small selection of Salentine traditional dishes and Salentine sweets. The event takes place in Leuca, near Punta Ristola, extreme southern edge of Salento, and is organized by the Associazione Nazionale Marinai d'Italia di Castrignano del Capo-Leuca. ...

The event, which name evokes the scenario of an ancient Salento- made of dry stone walls, olive trees and pajare- is organized by Pro Loco di Corsano, in the locality of Pozze, just outside the town. The rural theme of the festival is repeated in the dishes offered at the event: they are mostly humble dishes, related to rural tradition. The star of the festival is the 'Paparotta'-based on legumes, vegetables and stale bread leftovers that the countrywomen turn into a nutritious dish-now considered as the typical dish of Corsano. In the stands, it is possible to enjoy other traditional dishes of Salento.   ...

The event 'Ville in Festa' takes place in Leuca every year on one of the Sundays in May. On the occasion, the gardens of the most beautiful villas that characterize the Leuca coast and the Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo are open to visitors so they can enjoy the eclectic architecture created at the end of the nineteenth century by the genius of Giuseppe Ruggeri, Achille Rossi, Carlo Luigi Arditi, and Giuseppe Fuortes. The villas that open their beautiful gardens are: Villa Arditi di Castelvetere, Villa Pia, Villa Cezzi, Villa Circolone, Villa Colosso, Villa Daniele, Villa Episcopo, Villa Fuortes, Villa La Meridiana, Villa Licci, Villa Ramirez, Villa Gioacchino Fuortes, Villa Sangiovanni, Villa Mellacqua, Villa Marcucci, Villa Scipione Sangiovanni, Villa Serracca, and Villa Tamborino-Cezzi. ...

It is a feast dedicated to wheat, bread, and 'homemade pasta'; an event with full of flavors, music and culture of southern Salento in the beautiful sixteenth-century fortified farm of Celsorizzo. The festival aims to promote the flour produced in the territory, the recovery of ancient planting and methods of traditional and organic cultivation, and the humble dishes typical of rural culture. ...