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Grotta Montani (en)
Route: Naturalistic/Archaeological
Grotta Montani (en)

The Grotta Montani, located on the Spigolizzi hill, is characterized by two adjacent niches, one is completely closed by stones and the other is open through a small and low tunnel. It is a karst complex, which opens on an ancient shoreline, originally more vast and articulated than how it is presented today. It has a central room, from which four long and narrow tunnels diffuse. Found inside the cave were numerous objects, in flint and local limestone, used by the Neanderthal Man associated with the remains of elephants, rhinoceroses, hyenas, and wild boars.
Località Montani, Salve

bibliography sources:
N. Febbraro,  Archeologia del Salento – Il territorio di Salve dai primi abitanti alla romanizzazione, Libella Edizioni 2011. 

historical information:
In the early 70’s of the last century, the brothers Piccinno discovered a series of caves with prehistoric deposits in the locality of Montani in Salve. In 1973 the Univesità di Lecce started the archaeological survey of the site and an interesting scenario came out. The Neanderthals had lived here and left traces of their presence: artifacts and remains of "hunting trophies".  
managing body:
L'associazione Archès ha una convenzione col proprietario per effettuare visite guidate all'interno.
contact person:
Associazione Arches
cellphone number:
Guided tours on reservation
period of construction:
Middle Paleolithic ( about 70,000 years ago )
origin of place-name:
The name of the cave came from the term " munti " = rock outcropping
historical information:
In the early 70’s of the last century, the brothers Piccinno discovered a series of caves with prehistoric deposits in the locality of Montani in Salve. In 1973 the Univesità di Lecce started the archaeological survey of the site and an interesting scenario came out. The Neanderthals had lived here and left traces of their presence: artifacts and remains of "hunting trophies".  
bibliography sources:
N. Febbraro,  Archeologia del Salento – Il territorio di Salve dai primi abitanti alla romanizzazione, Libella Edizioni 2011. 
num gps:
Related Point of interest
Distance from:
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