Don Tonino Bello died in Molfetta in 1993. He was buried in his home town of Alessano, in the municipal cemetery. The tomb is a destination of pilgrims from various parts of Italy and they often leave a memory of their passage. Asmall wall with a symbolic door was built around the tomb, symbolically oriented to the east, next to which is an inscription of the phrase: "Rise, builders of Peace!", reminiscent of the greeting used by Don Tonino to address the National Conference of Pax Christi. Still around the tomb, stands an olive tree, a symbol of peace, on whose branches the pilgrims have hung rosaries, Franciscan Tau, miraculous medals, and more, as a sign of devotion, or to ask for intercession. ...
The Centopietre is a peculiar construction, situated in front of the church of San Giovanni Battista, on the outskirts of Patù, in the Campo Re. It has a rectangular shape (7.20 x 5.5 x 2.6 m) and consists of 100 large squared tuff blocks and 26 slabs of tuff disposed to cover a double sloping. The structure has two entrances, one on the east side and one on the south side. Inside, there are frescoes in poor condition dating back to the thirteenth-fourteenth century, a period in which the monument was used as a place of worship by Eastern monks. Among these is a Crucifixion placed on the north wall, and later framed in a picturesque layer together with san Giorgio on the same side but in the west nave. Along the western wall is a succession of saints under arches held up by ...